In Progress, Sewing Studio

Janery Studio Makeover Part 5: Another shelving fail

Ok, guys, on Monday night I started to set up my top cabinets for the wall of shelving in my studio.  I stopped after getting the first frame in place. I wasn’t feeling it.

The height of the IKEA Besta cabinets left an awkward gap between their tops and the A/C duct in the ceiling, and aside from the looks of it, I just hate wasting space.

Janery Studio Shelving Awkward Corner

With the set of top cabinets coming in at about $200 total, I hemmed and hawed over it and last night I decided that I just can’t settle for so-so.

And this is a lesson it’s taken me a while to learn.  But if your gut feeling is that a solution isn’t really working for you, trust it.  Because you don’t want to spend the next few years just regretting a decision.

The only solution I’m liking now is to build my own shelving unit with adjustable shelves.  And the more I thought it out and sketched ideas, the more I feel like it’s something I can knock out in about 5 days.  Heck, I could do it in one day if I didn’t have a job – It’s not as scary as I originally thought.

Janery Studio Shelving Besta

Even though I’m not sure where I’ll find the time to get this done, I’m excited.  I can make it a little more shallow (the current picture shows a 15″ deep top cabinet) and I can make it conform to the odd corner in the ceiling.  And it won’t be as bulky or as expensive, I hope.

Blog may be silent for a few days as I just focus on getting. this. done.  Time is of the essence – I’ve got fall craft shows to sew for!

In case you’re new here:


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  • Reply Lindsey at 11:07 am

    Idk if you can return it but if not, can’t you hack the shelf? Maybe build a piece to go between the black and white shelves? And honestly how much would you put at the top that you would use on a regular basis? For me the top shelf holds more seldom used/ decoraticve items. Just a thought; whatever you do will be great!

    • Reply Jane at 8:22 am

      Hey Lindsey –
      Yep, I can totally return it (without even disassembling it) which is an awesome thing about Ikea.
      May be a little OCD of me, but I want every inch to be useable storage space – just in case 😉 Also, it’s hard to describe effectively, but when you’re actually in the room it just looks silly and stunted and bulky. I think it’s because the room is small with a really low ceiling, and then the A/C duct work causes it to be even lower in the corner, so all those broken lines just look messy and unfinished.
      I’m getting excited to do the custom shelves, I think it will look more seamless, so fingers crossed. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!!

  • Reply Jeannine @ Small & Chic at 1:06 pm

    I’m such a slacker…I don’t think the gap would bother me…but maybe I’ll feel differently when I’m trying to make decisions for my office down the line. Good luck, J!

    • Reply Jane at 8:24 am

      I’m shocked to hear you say that! You are always my inspiration for doing things the right way – you seem to take your time, find the perfect solution, and then as a result your home looks spectacular 🙂
      I swear if you were here in person, though, you’d hate it with me. It feels incredibly bulky and messy – I think because of the low ceilings and the small size of the room. I just can’t stand it. Plus, I want to use all the wall for storage if need be. No point doing it only part way. Also, not as important, but the gap is so small that I can’t really even put something cute in it.
      First world problems. . .

  • Reply Kiri at 11:27 am

    I’m sure that your custom-build will look much better than what’s gone before.

    My only thought when I was looking at what you’ve done with the Besta, apart from the gap at the top which I can understand why you hate it, is that the double up of wood between your lovely white wood topped Book shelves, looks a bit wrong too.

    When you’re making the custom build, will you join it to that Shelf so there’s just the one thickness, or will you be doing something different?

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