
Running to the Mountain

I’ve read a lot of books over the last few weeks, including the book Running to the Mountain by Jon Katz.  I loved Jon’s writing in the book A Dog Year, which chronicled his attempts to introduce a crazy border collie to his household.

Running to the Mountain was very different, discussing his search for peace that led him to buy a very dilapidated cabin on a mountain in the middle of nowhere.  I could relate as I dislike living in DC and would love to move to the mountains.

Fittingly enough, Ryan and I spent the last four days in a cabin in the woods of West Virginia.  It was so good to have this trip to have adventures with Merlin and recover (somewhat) from losing Charlie, even if the trip was originally planned to include her.  Cabin Sweet Cabin Lost River WV

We rented this charming cabin in Lost River, WV and it was easily one of the best cabins we’ve ever rented.  It had a fire place, it wasn’t tacky, and it had real wood paneling throughout.  Cabin Sweet Cabin Bedroom Lost River WV

The sun room was my favorite space.  I turned the big chair around and sat facing the windows, and it felt like I was high in the trees – especially on Saturday, when the weather was so balmy we cracked the windows.

Cabin Sweet Cabin Lost River WVThere was a big clearing around it which Merlin loved to inspect for smells every morning.  7-DSC_0419

Things we did:

Wine Cheese Fire Rum Cake

Read a lot and felt lazy in front of the fire. Ate Rum Cake for breakfast; cheese and fruit for dinner.

Played backgammon several times a day.  Lost River Signs

Almost went hiking in the Wildlife Management Area before I remembered that meant “hunting ground.”  So we turned around and climbed a mountain in Lost River State Park instead.

Hiking with Dogs

Merlin had a blast hiking . . . and apparently doing his business as I attempted to model my spiffy fanny pack.  That’s right, a fanny pack. It’s light and easy and just the right size – but still totally hideous as an accessory.

Jane Merlin Lost River Mountain

Jane Ryan Merlin Lost River Mountain

We learned about a West Virginia water emergency from two men we found drinking wine together on a mountaintop, one of whom had just found out from a text from his wife in Colorado. What an amazing world we live in.

Lost River State Park Mountain ViewEnjoyed a 2-mile morning walk down country roads, in 60-degree weather.  Merlin made friends with a country dog.  We got caught in the rain on the way back and it felt glorious.

An evening sunset walk, just me and my Merlin, that followed the road up the mountain.  I glad I  didn’t bring my camera so I had to enjoy the spectacular sunset views in the moment.

Drove over the mountains with Merlin’s nose in the breeze.17-DSC_0448

Finally:  Looked online at real estate and realized that a simple cabin in this region is affordable for us, and set a mental goal of acquiring one in the next year or two.

Find even more photos here.

Where do you go to relax?

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  • Reply Funnelcloud Rachel at 10:35 am

    I love everything about this post! Over the weekend, Larry and I said “We’re so jealous of Jane & Ryan right now” multiple times – so it was great to live vicariously through your pictures. I’m so glad that you had a good trip and that it was the perfectly timed getaway. (We were also talking about how maybe we should start a tradition of escaping to a cabin after the holidays every year.) The pictures of Merlin make me so happy – looks like he may have had the best vacation of all!

    Definitely going to add those books to my reading list! Also – bundt kek! 😉

  • Reply Candy @ Candypolooza at 11:01 am

    What an amazing get away!! Beautiful pics! The one of Merlin pooping is PRICELESS!! Work that fanny pack gurl!! 😉

  • Reply Engin at 1:17 pm

    I like the Cocacola in a cake 🙂

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