Rental Remedies

Beyond White Paint, Episode 3: Tape the walls

Julia here – I’m Jane’s virtual assistant and last wrote on tattoos (ahem, gallery walls) as a spin off on the Beyond White Paint Series. Past Beyond White paint posts have covered gallery walls and curtains as wall decor.   This week, as Jane’s out sick (poor thing is laid up bad and won’t be back on TBA till next week), she’s letting me take over the blog again today, as we turn to tape: Glorious tape.

Ah, Beyond White Paint returns with yet another fancy rental-wall-treatment idea. Let us begin with this amazing discovery: GIANT WASHI TAPE invented solely for decor purposes. Thus it is wall friendly. Holla. (Just know this: do you read Japanese? If not, this site may be tough to navigate.)

I had to get that out of my system as I am so excited by the many possibilities such large tape presents. Chevron! Gingham! A whole wall of fat washi stripes! Plaid! Any pattern with corners and lines is possible now.

This post needs to be brief for one reason: There is way too much eye candy to ogle. So the words will be few, but the tape will abound.

So let’s roll with three categories: Easy. Harder. Hardest.

1. Easy: The basic stripe and the discovery of colored electrical tape.

When it comes to tape stripes are as simple and uncomplicated as it gets. Camila at Effortless Style did a great job with a fat black stripe made of electrical tape in her sister’s apartment.

So easy. A nifty diagram is in Camila’s original post regarding spacing as well. Oh, and hello sweet lookin’ colored electrical tape. So many colors. Enough to rival the unconquerable washi.

2. Harder: The diamond pattern and the Chevron in washi and fat washi tape.

This pattern is gorgeous and traditional, even when done with tape. It also seems to do a great job of delineating spaces, as demonstrated by a Dose of Pretty:

Jenny at Little Green Notebook did a fabulous job of explaining just how to do this pattern here.

A step up from diamonds is Chevron, a holy grail of pattern in blog land. Hello fat washi tape. Don’t you look beautiful. (This wall is painted, but I digress).

3. Hardest: The crazy patterns one might not care to attempt because of scissor induced arthritis.

Here is some unrivaled madness from The Vintage Laundress. She painted her design. However, renters armed with an amazing painters tape like Martha Stewart’s Tiffany Blue tape or this particular lavender shurtape painters tape (so, so pretty) could have this design be a reality on your walls in more colors than primary blue. I think any geometric design is good to go when it comes to tape, actually.

As could all of these fabulous designs pictured below via Oh Party. That built in bookshelf slays me.  But in the interest of simplicity, why not do just a built-in back with tape stripes?

Now maybe you don’t want the work of a whole tape wall. Behold, a solution which is easier than easy.

Just the corners. Crisp. Clean. Easy. As for other possibilities,  here is a nice fretwork idea. Or maybe a Greek key trim as a wall border would look cute.

I have some really ugly kitchen cabinets (pink- i speak the truth people). Maybe some tape fretwork is just the thing to offset their gross glory. What might you consider taping for style purposes? And are there any patterns you think would suit this idea well? Do tell!

Disclaimer: This has not been tried on the walls at TBA and thus TBA assumes no responsibility for damaged walls or peeling tape. HOWEVER, Jenny Komenda at Little Green Notebook mentioned that her diamond patterned entryway suffered no ill effects from her use of washi tape in an email to us. Camila at Effortless Style Interiors also mentioned no damage to walls from the electrical tape thus far. Just a little FYI to be fair. Also, this post is not sponsored by any of the blogs or products mentioned.


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  • Reply Renewed Upon a Dream at 4:21 pm

    Oh my gosh amazing!  I’ve been trying to figure out a way to dress up my rented ugly cabinets in my kitchen… this could be the ticket!  Oh my, must brainstorm…. 🙂  Kinda excited about this right now!

  • Reply Jenn @ Peas and Crayons at 7:23 pm

    holy crap the white orange and yellow wall is calling my  name! loudly!

    • Reply Julia at 12:28 am

      Holla to my fellow Nole. I love that wall too.

      • Reply Jenn @ Peas and Crayons at 4:18 pm

        I neeeeed it! Julia did I every write you back per or last conver about noles/college bc I feel like the second I got internet back I list my mind and memory!
        Sent from my Samsung Captivate(tm) on AT&T

  • Reply Melayla Ornelas at 8:09 pm

    I really love the ideas here.  I was wondering as I read tho, and followed the link to the purple tape — does painters tape stay up well for a longish-term (ie, like for the time I’m in the apartment)?  I’ve never tried anything on my walls and as an apartment dweller I’ve mostly been interested in not damaging the walls.  But now that I’m actually thinking trying something like this – I wonder if it will stay on long enough to be worth the effort lol.

    • Reply Julia at 12:24 am


      I’m not sure whether or not it stays put. It is supposed to stay on for one month max according to packaging. If I did this in certain rooms of my rental I know it would peel paint. It really depends on the quality of the paint job I think. Best wishes on a project! You can always do a test stripe and let it sit for a long time until you know it’s worth the effort lol!

  • Reply Anotheryarn at 11:11 pm

    Oh to get ahold of that large scale washi tape.  But who am I kidding, I keep handling the regular sized washi tape and setting it down due to the 4.50 price tag.

    Last year, itching for a head board I actually made myself a headboard out of 3″ wide blue painters tape and kept it up for a few months. I don’t think I ever took pictures (I didn’t even bother to see make sure my horizontal lines were level).  But I have such textured walls that tape… always looks like tape on the wall.

    • Reply Julia at 12:25 am

      That is incredibly useful counsel about the tape/textured walls. We need a large washi tape distributor here in the USA methinks.

  • Reply Haley @thedistractedblogger at 5:17 am

    Oooooo………. I love it! Great post. That orange, yellow and gray would be great for my bookcase! And the ideas for the walls are abundant! 

    Thank you

  • Reply Jen @ Against The Grain at 2:43 pm

    Oh wow, I am dying over this post! I just *wish* my apartment didn’t have white concrete block walls (ugh, university family housing).  Beautiful! I love that diamond pattern.  Call me crazy but am I the ONLY one not on board this current chevron craze?

    • Reply Jane @ The Borrowed Abode at 2:47 pm

      Jen, that’s hilarious. You’re NOT the only one who isn’t all over the Chevron pattern trend. Personally I’m not a fan of it for my house, but I have seen it done in other people’s spaces and it looks nice. . . just not my thing, you know? 🙂

      Also, have you thought about maybe hanging some fabric over the walls? I bet it could be done, if you used the Command adhesive velcro pieces on the wall, and then sewed (or stapled, if you’re not into sewing) the corresponding pieces of velcro to the tops of some sheets of fabric. Just a thought! Concrete block walls are pretty much the worst!!

    • Reply Racey420 at 10:59 pm

      Nope, you’re not the only one not getting the whole Chevron craze… WHY is all i ask? what’s so significant about that pattern….

      • Reply Jane @ The Borrowed Abode at 8:41 am

        I don’t know how one style of stripes can just take off like that, but it definitely did! 🙂 I have one chevron fabric that I used for a customer’s special order, and I actually really like it – but that doesn’t make me want to cover everything in zig-zag stripes! Oh well.

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