Balancing Business and Motherhood: My Interview on the Sarah R. Bagley Podcast!
Do you listen to podcasts? Today I’m discussing Janery and family, and essentially how I’m balancing business and motherhood on the Sarah R. Bagley podcast.
I listen to several while I work, and Sarah’s is one of my faves! It’s a lifestyle podcast focused on pursuit of a B+ life – something that she’s passionate about as a “recovering perfectionist.”
I have experience public speaking, but not so much on podcast interviews! While I was prepared to talk on these topics with Sarah, nothing prepared me for how nervous I got! Just keeping it real. I fear I may have rambled a lot, but we discussed things like my perseverance with launching Charlie Cushions at Janery, my inspiration for products, the dog that touched my heart like no other, and exciting life topics like laundry. 😉
And if you have any tips on balancing business and motherhood, please chime in on Twitter, Instagram, or in the comments!
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