Giveaways & Contests

10 Steps to Avoid Vacuuming & A {Great Giveaway}

Happy Monday!  First I’m going to tell you a little story, and then we’ll kick off the week with a small-space friendly decor giveaway.

10 Steps To Avoid Having to Vacuum Your Home

1.  Watch your boyfriend get out the vacuum and start to clean.

2.  Point out to him every time he misses some dirt, then realize that that the vacuum isn’t picking up any dirt.

3.  Watch him take it apart and clean out the clog.

4.  Offer to take the dirty filter outside to shake the dirt out of it.  (He’ll say “yes” just to shut you up.)

5.  Carry said filter outside, and throw it on the cement driveway.  This gets all the dirt and pet hair off it in a jiffy. Works every time.

6.  Watch triumphantly as it bounces around, with dirt flying everywhere.  As it rolls under your car, run to the other side to pick it up.

7.  Hmm.  Stare in bewilderment when you see that it didn’t roll out the other side.  Scratch head.

8.  Lie in odd and uncomfortable positions in the driveway, trying to spot where it rolled to.  Go still with shock when you realize what seems to have happened.

9.   After about 5 minutes of searching, slooowly creep inside to inform the boyfriend that you . . . um. . .  somehow managed to throw the filter in such a way that it dissapppeared into the underside of your car.  Giggle because it’s too absurd not to do so.

10.  After boyfriend recovers from shock, resume lying (now with him) in odd positions on driveway, trying to locate vacuum filter in underside of car.  Explain to neighbors after they inquire as to your sanity.

**Update:  When you’re done entering the giveaway, be sure to read Ryan’s version of the story. **

Yeah.  This really happened.  The rogue vacuum filter has not been located, and the car made it to work just fine today.  Will wonders never cease.

Now how about that giveaway?


Remember these lovely glass wall vases that hang in our bathroom?  If you spied them and found yourself wishing you had a few to call your own, then this could be your lucky week – because I’ve got a set of 3 to give to one lucky reader!

And what a great time to add these to your walls – because with spring peeking tentatively around the corner, don’t we all want to bring a little more floral color into the house?

The Prize: Three glass Wall-Mounted Teardrop Vases from CB2.

To Enter: Comment and let me know where you’d like to hang them in your house!

Shipping: Will ship worldwide!

Bonus Entry: For a second chance to win, do one (or more) of the following, and then comment a second time to let me know:  Fan TBA on Facebook or follow on Twitter!
Giveaway Ends: You can enter between now and Thursday, 4/7/11 at 8 pm, EST.  Winner will be announced Friday!


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  • Reply jessica stier at 2:11 pm

    What a funny story! I can completely relate!!! 🙂 I have a perfect little spot on my bathroom wall, similar to where yours are hung.

  • Reply Michelle W at 2:15 pm

    I have been eyeing those glass vases! I would LOVE to put them in my entry way. I live in an incredibly small apartment and the first thing you see when you entered is a corner with a small book case (read: shoe rack) to the side. I really want to make a key/mail drop off station above the small bookcase, with the vases to the side/below the station.

  • Reply Stephanie Killey at 2:15 pm

    I would hang these in my entry. I have the perfect little slice of wall for them 🙂

    I LOVE the vacuum story. So funny and completely something that would happen to me.

  • Reply Stephanie Killey at 2:17 pm

    For a second entry I now follow you on Twitter.

  • Reply Ryan at 2:39 pm

    Hey, I know that angle. Were you sitting on the toilet when you took that picture? It makes it a lot less scenic.

  • Reply Loren at 3:04 pm

    That story is hilarious.
    Those vases are adorable, I would probably hang them in the bath room too, or next to my tiny kitchen window.

  • Reply Tiffany L at 3:07 pm

    Ok, so the filter disappeared?

  • Reply Jennifer Laughlin at 3:16 pm

    THESE WOULD BE PERFECT… yes Perfect!!!!! in my master bath OR in my kitchen… ohmygosh I could so see them holding herbs in my kitchen! I kind want to win more than anyone. just sayin’ =)

  • Reply Jennifer Laughlin at 3:17 pm

    Following on facebook AND twitter! hollerrr!

  • Reply Katy M at 3:54 pm

    I might spread them out in the house – maybe one in the bathroom, one in the kitchen, one by the entryway . . . .

  • Reply Anonymous at 4:39 pm

    I have a spot in my breakfast ‘nook’ that would love them!

  • Reply LifeinRehab at 4:50 pm

    Wait…you still haven’t found the filter?!?!?!

    Those little wall vases would go in my bedroom, nestled in the girlie accessorization station I have planned. Just bring them with you next week. 😉

    • Reply Jane @ The Borrowed Abode at 5:35 pm

      No! We haven’t found the filter, which means it is surely melting a slow
      death somewhere in my car’s innards.

      In other news, I like the sound of “accesorization station”! 🙂

  • Reply Liz at 5:07 pm

    Love the vacuuming story!
    I’d love those pretty teardrop vases, I’d probably hang them in my bathroom, too!

  • Reply Jenn at 5:30 pm

    HAHAHAA! That story completely cracked me up! Please let us know where (and if!) it ever turns up 🙂

  • Reply Mary at 6:09 pm

    Love the vacuum story! Totally sounds like something that would happen in my house.

    I would hang the vases in either our bathroom or our bedroom. Our bedroom doesn’t have a lot of wall decor, so this would definitely help.

  • Reply sabrina at 6:34 pm

    I have the perfect spot in my kitchen next to my laundry room.

  • Reply sabrina at 6:36 pm

    Following on facebook .

  • Reply Julie at 7:00 pm

    I love the idea of having them in the bathroom. So cute!

  • Reply Julie at 7:00 pm

    Followed on twitter. 🙂

  • Reply Anonymous at 7:41 pm

    Ok the filter story is too funny. I’ll say a pray for it and you to St. Anthony (patron Saint of lost things) I swear to you, I probably have to pray to him once a week, if we ever start a family I probably owe him a first born son. We once lost a pile of like 12 wash clothes for over a week. You say to yourself – how is that possible? I just don’t know, either. The vases are supper cute, we would probably put them up in our bedroom.

    • Reply Jane @ The Borrowed Abode at 8:03 pm

      Well I’m glad to hear I’m not the only one losing things 🙂
      I just remembered that this weekend I also realized that my favorite pair of
      jeans had disappeared…and I was wearing them last Friday. We don’t have
      that big a house, and it’s not too messy, so there’s really no excuse for
      the fact that they’ve disappeared into thin air…Life is funny sometimes!

    • Reply Ryan at 8:31 pm

      My mother always had me and my sister praying to Saint Anthony for lost things but we encountered limited success. At some point I talked my sister into praying to Saint Voltron instead. The theory was that because he was made of 5 mechanical lions he powers beyond measure. Basically the prayer would consist of clasping your hands together while murmuring silently to yourself and ending the prayer with “…and I’ll form the head.”

      Jane, NO ONE who reads your blog will understand any of that.

  • Reply Danielle Ryerson at 8:52 pm

    These are adorable, I’ve never seen them! I’d add them to the kitchen 🙂

  • Reply What the hell? It’s gone. It’s just GONE. | The Borrowed Abode at 4:52 pm

    […] 33 Before 33 « 10 Steps to Avoid Vacuuming & A {Great Giveaway} […]

  • Reply Tiffany at 9:36 pm

    I think these would be lovely in my foyer. 😉

  • Reply Tiffany at 9:36 pm

    Followed on Facebook.

  • Reply Millie at 9:38 pm

    I love that your response to a clogged filter is to throw it on the driveway! That whole story is hilarious and bizarre.

    Those vases are really pretty! I’d hang them in my kitchen — there’s a blank section of wall that could use some sprucing up.

  • Reply Anna at 9:40 pm

    I think that the vases would look lovely anywhere when I get an apartment relatively soon (that currently has little hope of decent furnishings).

  • Reply Adamaso19 at 10:45 pm

    I would put them by my bedroom door. I am a follower on Twitter.

  • Reply Kelly at 10:57 pm

    Mom had that happen with a chicken once. We never found it.

  • Reply Sarah L. at 11:22 pm

    I would love to hang these in the bathroom or in the kitchen. These are great for Spring!

  • Reply Cait @ Hernando House at 12:53 am

    10 Steps to Avoid Vacuuming sounds a lot like my life. And is hilarious.

  • Reply Lori Bernstein at 1:30 am

    Crazy story 🙂 I’d love to hang those vases in my entry way. What a beautiful site to be greeted with!

  • Reply Jessica at 2:59 am

    I can so see the vacuum incident happening in our home too! I think if I won the vases I’d likely use them in our bathroom too. I want to create a tropical spa like feel to the room – they’d be great over the garden tub. 🙂

  • Reply Renee Gremillion at 4:04 am

    Want to hang those on the wall over my dresser. LOVE them.

  • Reply Renee Gremillion at 4:07 am

    liked you on facebook! BAM!

  • Reply mikalah at 12:54 pm

    Eee! I love those vases. I have no clue where I would hang them in my house, maybe in the dining room? Yes, in the dining room. =)

  • Reply Carey Higgs at 2:28 pm

    I’m moving into a new (well, new to me!) home soon and these would look fantastic on the sunny dining room wall!

    I just want to say, I’m a new reader, but I have very much enjoyed the hilarity so far! Keep it comin’!

    • Reply Jane @ The Borrowed Abode at 2:58 pm

      Carey – Welcome! Thanks for the kind words, we’re glad we can make you
      laugh. Although that’s 99% Ryan’s job.


  • Reply Kristi G at 3:00 pm

    I like the idea of the bathroom, however I also have a spot in the kitchen that would be perfect!

  • Reply anna at 4:06 pm

    that really sounds like something that would happen to me! i would hang the vases in the kitchen above the sink because its currently just a blank wall. i figure this is the closest I can get to having a view of nature from my kitchen!

  • Reply Denyse @ Crazy Beautiful Life at 4:23 pm

    I was so excited when I got them adorable tear vases from Crate & Barrel and than my husband springs on me “We’re Moving”…imagine my surprise especially since we just did this 3 months ago and I’m not talking across town…I’m talking NC to MD back to NC…I guess my cute lil vases will have to wait (sad face)…

    Now moving is going to be my new crazy journey on my blog…LOL

    BTW…I told my hubby about the filter incident and he looked at me and said,”hmmm sounds like something you would do”…Rude…hahahaha

  • Reply Katie makingthishome at 9:50 pm

    Jane, I 100% decided we had to get those vases like yours when we’re not in the tire house. Saw yours and just KNEW. So *where* would we put them? How about on a wall made of drywall or concrete? 😉

  • Reply Katie makingthishome at 9:50 pm

    twitter follower – you know it! I can’t wait to read the “wrong” version of this story next. hehe

  • Reply Katie makingthishome at 9:50 pm

    facebook fan forever. (that sounds dorky, Katie)

  • Reply Ashley Elaine at 2:13 am

    I would love for these to hang on my wall in the kitchen.

  • Reply Ashley Elaine at 2:15 am

    “like” on facebook. #Ashley Elaine

  • Reply Elaine at 5:27 pm

    I’d hang them up right beside my desk. =)

  • Reply Elaine at 5:27 pm

    I’m a facebook fan =)

  • Reply We have a winner! | The Borrowed Abode at 11:29 am

    […] to lucky #34,  Carey H., who is the winner of three CB2 Hanging Wall Vases!  She commented: I’m moving into a new (well, new to me!) home soon and these would look […]

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