Blogging Advice

Why should a blogger care about SOPA?

If you’re anywhere close to social media this week, you’ve probably heard about SOPA. But it’s very possible that you’re not someone who really gives a hoot about politics.

As a matter of fact, I don’t know about your political leanings, because generally I keep this site politics-free.

But I’m writing this last-minute post just to beg you to give about 5 minutes of thought to this legislation. If passed, our entire community of bloggers and Twitter users and Facebook fans could be at high risk. The internet as a whole would be at risk.

Instead of writing about a situation that is already well-covered in the online community, I’d like to suggest that you read this article at ThinkSplendid: SOPA and Your Business.

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  • Reply Julia at 10:20 am

    Unfortunately, there’s no way to control internet ‘piracy’ if you want to call it that. In the blogging community enough people have disclosures and clear crediting on their sites to avoid a lot of problems. You would think Pinterest would be a GREAT way of tracking down copyright infringement.

    I actually happen to think that this SOPA thing is a huge act against personal liberties. It’s the responsibility of the original owners of intellectual/designed property to copyright their work or keep track of where their work ends up. It’s also their right to write cease and desist notices. Ultimately those rights create business and federal revenue in a much more efficient way than creating yet another bureaucratic agency to handle the immense amount of work this must be.

    Final thought: If the people in charge of enforcing SOPA miss some form of piracy/infringment, then what? Then the government gets sued? Just what our country needs right now, eh?

  • Reply Jenn @ Peas and Crayons at 11:55 am

    I signed the petition =)

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