Over Christmas I got to step foot into my mom’s neighbor’s house and see her latest decorating achievements. Now you probably know from my photos that our house style is not country or cottage. What you probably don’t know is that I’m a sucker for a well-put-together, not over-the-top cottagey space. But Ryan is not. Ever. So what I’ve always loved about Jackie’s house is the way she’s blended pieces she loves, heirlooms, and cottage-y accents to creates a very modern, very breezy cottage/country feel.
In a row of cookie cutter townhomes, Jackie’s stands apart from the crowd. After moving in, she hired a carpenter to install some detailed molding and trim, and most recently she added this wall of beadboard, topped with a high shelf. It’s higher than normal (I think) but it works so well in the space with a 2-story vaulted ceiling. I think it really makes the wall less cavernous and helps the vaulted ceiling “work.” Or something. Honestly – I’m not really sure how to describe it.
On the ledge, Jackie’s collection of artifacts and decor items are artfully displayed, with some of them changing for the seasons.
After falling head over heels for Jackie’s living room shelf, I’m now trying to figure out how I can do something like this somewhere in our house. I just love how a shelf gives you so much more flexibility to change your mind with wall displays!
What a great idea! We had a smaller shelf in our living room for a while, and I liked having the option to change out the pictures and decorations so easily. I love this living room! It looks so fresh and clean and inviting.
I love the built in ledge here. It’s so useful and gorgeous!