Personal Life Posts, What the Hell!?

Preparing For the Frankenstorm

Preface:  It’s a gray Sunday morning and I sat down to write about how Ryan prepares for storms. . . and ended up rambling a little bit.  I guess I was just in a story-telling mood.

Here in the Washington, DC area we’re preparing for a massive storm expected to hit later tonight on through Tuesday.  Always ones to come up with a dramatic and catchy name, the media has dubbed this one a “Frankenstorm.”  This monster of a weather event is apparently the collision of a strong hurricane and a nor’easter.  Well that’s a new one to me (and apparently to everyone else, too!)

The news first made it to my ears on Friday afternoon. I was swamped at work but took a moment to email Ryan. I hate to be that person who goes overboard and floods the grocery store before a storm, but after some of the Derecho this summer that left many in our area without power for 4-5 days, I decided that we might as well be calmly prepared.

The main item of preparation for me is water.  Having lived in Richmond with 2 large dogs and 2 cats when Hurricane Isobel crippled the city, it really sucked to be unprepared. I didn’t store water, and while everyone I knew (we were early 20’s) was stocking up on beer, I made sure to stock the freezer with ice cream.  Dumbest. Idea. Ever.

Unfortunately, when the aftermath of Isobel had us without power and water for days, and downed trees and power lines cut off the roads around my apartment, I had to walk a mile to the grocery store to buy water for a) the toilet and b) the animals to drink. In the draining August heat, the animals were thirsty.

As for me? I didn’t even get to eat my ice cream.  I kept the freezer shut hoping it would stay cold.  That’s what my parents told me growing up.  Unfortunately that only works for a short period of time.  A week later, when I peeked at the freezer, I found that all the ice cream had melted, soaked through the containers, and spread out in an even layer all. over. the. freezer.  What a mess.

With that experience in mind, I sent Ryan a note Friday suggesting that we prepare.  My ideas: jugs of water, a plug for the bathtub so we could fill it with water, batteries, more prescription food for the cat.

His response? Probably a bit more thorough, and 10x more amusing:

Jane Ryan Storm Prep Email

I was shocked to see that Mow the Lawn was such a high priority to him, but apparently it was also a priority for every one of our neighbors, who were outside doing it on Saturday. They also apparently had to cross Blow the Leaves off their honey-do lists, so there are now massive piles of leaves on the curbs. Not sure how that’s going to help when the storm hits – in fact it may clog the drains just that much more.

So now it’s Sunday.  Ryan’s mowed the lawn (not once, but twice) and discovered that when all the regular grocery stores, pharmacies, and Targets are sold out of bottled water on a Friday night, the Asian grocery stores are still fully stocked.In the mean time, I filled household containers with water and put them in the fridge.  I also filled bowls with ice from our ice maker and put them in the freezer, because supposedly that will help things stay cold if we do lose power. We’ve stocked the pantry with some canned goods and extra dog treats, and Ryan put our hammock and outdoor lights and furniture away.  All that’s left is for me to stock up on coffee.  Thanks to my nifty little drip maker, I can make coffee when the power goes out.

If’ you’re in the area and you’d like useful advice on how to prepare for a hurricane / Frankenstorm, check out Christina’s post.  Now if we’re done here, I must go call my parents.

They’re in Delaware, right where the latest forecasts show the hurricane making landfall.  On Friday night they didn’t seem to think they needed to prepare. But with them both in their 70’s, I think a little preparation is called for.  It’s funny how once you grow up you have to start parenting your parents. 🙂

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  • Reply Christina Leaman at 3:09 pm

    Ryan’s list is cracking me up! And you’re right, they shouldn’t have blown the leaves into the gutter. :-/ Glad you’re more prepared this time. We’re just about done. I’m taping the windows up (just big X’s) in case one breaks (keeps it from shattering). And thanks for linking to my post! 🙂 Stay safe.

  • Reply Funnelcloud Rachel at 3:48 pm

    I love this post! I was just about to start writing a pre-hurricane blog post myself, but honestly, I don’t have the energy. Might do a photo essay instead.

    We just got back from walking the dogs and all of our neighbors had raked their leaves into neat piles in the gutter, too. What the hell?! Why would anyone rake leaves the day before a hurricane?!

    Love Ryan’s list. Larry’s got us all prepped, too, and has even made us some giant ice cubes (fill those disposable baking pans with water & freeze)!

    We have a gas fireplace for warmth. Canned goods and hot dogs for eating. Come on over if things get dire over there, but be forewarned, our lawn has not been mowed. 😉

    • Reply Christina Leaman at 3:57 pm

      Whoa. Larry is super smart. I would not have thought to make giant ice cubes.

  • Reply Kimberly at 5:17 pm

    WOW, all of MY neighbors have rakes their leaves into the gutter, too!!! (Are they the same neighbors? Hee hee). Ice cubes? WEll, my freezers are pretty darn full, so there is no space for more ice. Sigh. We did fill up the basement tub.

  • Reply pen at 9:36 pm

    Your husband’s list made me LOL (that shit be breakin yo). We are extremely ill prepared, but being in New York City with nighty bajillion stores in a 2 block radius, I am hoping we’ll be okay if all hell breaks lose. Stay safe!

  • Reply Chance DesignedbyChance at 12:57 pm

    We totally cleaned the yard and I did all the leaf blowing. No idea how that is supposed to help but I did it too. How funny that we all think the same thing.

    • Reply Jane @ The Borrowed Abode at 11:45 am

      Lol. According to Ryan leaf blowing pre-storm is good because if you leave the leaves on the ground they can become waterlogged and kind of drown/oppress the grass. Or something like that. . . it’s totally his arena, not mine! 🙂

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