I’m a bit stuck this week, as I don’t have any real projects to share with you all! Unfortunately I’ve been sick for over a week with a nasty bug, one that had me literally sitting on the couch watching movies all. weekend. long. My Saturday blog post about a potential wedding venue literally was the only thing I had the energy to produce. By the time Sunday afternoon rolled around, I was ready to poke my eyes out from boredom and frustration. Luckily I had a few wedding magazines lying around, so I was able to halfheartedly start our wedding mood board.

Wedding mood board: It's just a painter's canvas wrapped in an old piece of linen.
Did I mention I have a new job? I haven’t changed companies, but I’m now working full-time as a “small business advocate.” Which is awesome, because I am truly passionate about small business – and one of the big parts of the job has me representing my large company at meetings and conferences. I get to meet all sorts of interesting and amazing business owners, and help them find new business opportunities. The downside? I’ve been working my butt off, I’m traveling a lot more, and many of the events have me gone for 10-12 hours a day. I’ve definitely been struggling to keep my balance, keep doing projects for the house/blog, and work on stocking my shop for Christmas.
But on the up side, being too sick to do anything meant I spent the weekend guilt-free, and I found myself feeling more relaxed than I have [at home] in ages. See, now that I run a blog and business from my home, I find that I always feel that I should be working if I’m at home. It’s cut down on how much I can relax and recharge in my own space. I know this isn’t healthy, and I need to find a solution. But this weekend’s temporary and super-successful solution was apparently to be sick. 🙂 Ryan and I ended our unproductive weekend curled up on the sofa, watching the wintry movie Grumpy Old Men, while sipping this year’s inaugural mugs of dark hot chocolate.
I felt incredibly relaxed, and it was so nice to end the weekend on a happy, unstressed note. But I’m itching to start really decorating our basement – so hopefully I get my energy back soon!
Psst: be sure and come back tomorrow, for a fun Friday giveaway and Janery shop update!
Lovely mood board. Also, I would like the recipe for that dark hot chocolate. Yum. It’s still blazes here in Texas though. ugh.
hope you’re feeling better!
Hope you feel better! But, don’t you love it that our body actually has ways to force us into relaxing and taking it easy 🙂
It’s too bad about being sick, but I do understand the feeling of relief that comes when you know you can give yourself a break! Hope you are feeling lots better. And, congrats on the new job! Sounds super exciting!
Feel better Jane! Is it wrong that I also think of a sick day as a personal vacation? I think it’s a disease among us entrepreneur-types. 😉 Love that wedding board — feels very fresh and very “you!”
Feel better! That board is looking great.
Congrats on the new job! 🙂