Oh boy! This has been a talkative and wiggly month!
While every month with Maple has been amazing, this was the most interactive one yet. Before having a baby, I didn’t realize how quiet and reserved they were during the first few weeks. Watching her develop into an alert little human is so interesting.
Easter was so exciting! She wasn’t even aware it was happening, but it was exciting for us grownups, and the grandparents. Maple got her first Easter basket and I used the holiday as an excuse to get her an outfit (not pictured, unfortunately) from a boutique I love.We have learned that Maple gets fussy at night, especially if she hasn’t had a solid nap at home during the day. It’s easy to fall into the trap of taking her on lots of errands, thinking that her snoozes in the car and in people’s arms will suffice – but in reality, I don’t think they do. I think that Maple needs quiet time to truly rest during the day.
No matter what, Maple falls asleep by 8 or 9 and is out for the night. I wake her up when I go to bed at midnight, and that’s when she moves from the crib to our bed. She does eat around 5 am, but she and I remain mostly asleep for it, thanks to co-sleeping.

Rocking the vintage baby bonnet that I wore as a baby.
We take our time getting up most mornings, because Maple loves to wiggle on the bed talking to the ceiling fan. You can see an example of this here: Instagram or Facebook. She has really become a talker (like me, perhaps?) and I’ve been told she’s a really happy baby. What I do know is that she spends a lot of time babbling and gurgling and smiling, and I am very thankful she doesn’t spend much time crying for an unknown reason.
We have run into a small problem where Maple won’t take the bottle well anymore – she prefers the real thing. I enjoy nursing, but it would be less stressful if I knew she would take a bottle for Ryan. He wants to help with feedings, but she just won’t let him!
I’m torn on the issue. On the one hand, I’d like to be able to occasionally go out in the evening, but she has meltdowns right before falling asleep for the night. On the other hand, I recognize that this time in her life is fleeting, so is it really the end of the world if I’m more tied down for the next few months? Probably not.
Oh! Now that she’s finally broken 10#, she fits into cloth diapers. That transition was easy and we’re happy with the Gro-Via Hybrids. We have a dozen Bum Genius All-In-Ones that we will use when she’s a little larger. Right now they’re still too big and bulky for her.
My life as her mom:
I’m still having a blast! I had no idea I’d enjoy motherhood so much. I’m not super social right now, in part due to her bottle avoidance and in part due to my state of mind. Maybe it’s the tiredness, or maybe it’s a result of having a little person dependent on me all of the time. I’ve come to value “alone time” even more. Anyway, though I’m not doing a lot with other people, I have a balance that I’m happy with for now.
Every week I get better at fitting work on Janery and the writing into my day. I can work after Maple goes to bed, and then during some of her naps and her independent play time. I still spend plenty of time with her as well, of course.
I have officially resigned from my corporate job as a small business advocate to take care of Maple and work part time as a freelance writer and handmade business owner and I am so thankful I am able to be home with her right now. I love (almost) every minute of it!
This is such a great time and I am so happy you’re enjoying it. She’s an absolute cutie and I loved the video of her communicating with the ceiling fan.
Thanks Jen!
Love the update! You sound like you’re doing (and she’s sleeping) GREAT!! Wish I could give you some tips on her taking the bottle so you can have some time to yourself, which is much needed and deserved.
Tara – it’s ironic that right after sharing this post, she got really fussy and has remained high maintenance ever since! We did figure out the bottle issue – the previously frozen milk tastes TERRIBLE! After visiting Google I discovered that it most likely means I have high levels of Lipase which turns to a bad soapy flavor after freezing and re-heating. So no wonder she has started hating the bottle…