Personal Life Posts

Why I’m Embracing Imperfection In My “Design & DIY” Blog

Note:  Originally titled “Why I’m Giving Up on my Design & DIY Blog – I changed the title after I realized it didn’t convey the right message. I’m not ending the blog, just revising my approach.

This June marked my five year anniversary of this blog, which I originally created to be a rental decorating and DIY blog.  In those five years I’ve seen so many changes in the blog world, and seen so many even younger blogs become famously successful almost overnight.

At first, I saw my traffic climbing steadily through 2012, but ever since then it’s been steadily decreasing, as the travel and work demands from my day job have increased and I’ve dedicated more hours on my handmade business.

With traffic half of what it was two years ago (14,000 visits a month vs. 30,000) I’ve been questioning my blog’s purpose all year.  With my mom terminally ill and now in hospice care, my somewhat stable little schedule has been temporarily disrupted as Ryan and I are traveling between DC and Delaware regularly to spend time with family but still work. Maybe it’s a weird silver lining, but this situation has made it so clear to me that I need to let go of my vision for the blog.

I remember the days when Young House Love was a baby blog, when there were fewer cliques and design bloggers were all just sharing sincere and real posts about their projects.  Now it feels as though, in order to have a successful design blog you must have magazine-quality photos and staged photos for every post and project you share, and you must have a constant stream of DIY projects and makeovers popping up in your readers’ feeds in order to keep their interest. Also, it seems that many design bloggers are able to constantly make over rooms and buy new furniture.  That’s not in my time or financial budget, nor does it fit with my interest in being eco-friendly.

I’m tired of comparing my home and blog to that of others. I’m not usually that kind of person, but this blog seems to have that effect on me  – and I don’t like it!

I bought a ticket to the Haven conference (which was last week) but then re-sold it a month ago because I felt my blog wasn’t good enough or popular enough and why should I spend all that money to travel only to sit in a conference and feel inadequate.  I know that sounds harsh, but it seemed most of the attendees would be full-time professional bloggers.  And that I am not.  Not by a long shot.

Also, it seems that many design bloggers are able to constantly make over rooms and buy new furniture.  That’s not in my time or financial budget, nor does it fit with my interest in being eco-friendly.

Honestly, while I love design and DIY and want to hone my design skills, do projects, and post about them regularly, I have found that I just can’t, no matter how many times I’ve tried to. Every year my time and travel requirements for the day job increase.  Additionally, I think if I hadn’t started Janery I may have been able to develop a more stable blog, but I’ve finally accepted that I’ve spread myself too thin.

My life is changing right now, and I want to be sure that by next year I’ve changed it in the way that’s right for me. I’m not leaving this blog behind, but its purpose will be adjusted.

I want to blog when I have an awesome DIY project or room makeover to share, but not feel pressured to do it regularly.

I want to feel comfortable blogging in shorter posts, sharing something fun I did without feeling the need to create a tutorial – unless it’s actually a super unique and tricky project.

I want to do more Craigslist Palace posts because that was a ton of fun, getting to decorate an imaginary room with thrifted finds.  But that post took me hours to complete, and I don’t always have that time.

I want to find my style again.  As I type, I’m sitting on my couch and looking at some floral pillows on it.  They’re pretty, but not “me”.  I’ve mostly stopped reading design blogs because I think they were skewing my sense of my personal style. I realized this when Ryan and I went on the mid-century modern home tour.

Right now I’m trying to decide if I should have two part-time blogs or one overall blog.  When the Janery website launches, I’ll have a Janery blog that customers can read.  I’m wondering if I should post my occasional home projects there, or if I should keep them happening here.

I sometimes wish I’d never started a blog, because it’s very hard to let go of it and accept change. But I have met some amazing people through it, and that makes it all worthwhile!  Also, I think I need to focus on what this blog has inspired me to do – like building furniture.  That’s something I never thought I’d do.

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  • Reply The DIY Homegirl at 12:50 am

    Good luck to you on the next step of your creative journey! I can see where it would feel overwhelming to juggle a blog with everything else. May you and your family receive what you need to get through this tough time with your mother’s health. Wishing you peace and love!

  • Reply Becky at 7:57 am

    I enjoy reading your blog, but I fully support you doing what’s best for you. 🙂 It’s difficult to fit everything into the day, not to mention trying to find a way to keep up a blog that fits into a niche and is interesting and relevant without being forced and just feeling like more work. I hope you’re able to figure out how to share the things you do want to share in a way that works for you.

  • Reply Johanna at 4:15 pm

    Thank you for your honest words and comments! I once thought of starting a blog myself but discovered that I couldn’t (wouldn’t) be able to keep up with the Jones’. NOR DO I WANT TO. I’ve always liked your blog because it seems …. like me. Not professionally styled but comfortable and real. I too am pretty eco-conscious and it drives me nuts to see so much waste on home decor. Yuck. I think it’s great you made a decision that you feel good about. I wish you and your mom peace in the time ahead.

  • Reply Jenn at 6:08 pm

    You just voiced the words that have been running around my head for the past few weeks. I’d like to start blogging again, but I don’t want to get sucked into the design/diy world again because I don’t like what the space is becoming. There’s so much consumerism it makes me uncomfortable and I feel like most blogs are doing projects just for the blog, which as a reader, feels disingenuous. So, as I’ve been thinking about my blog, I’m finding that I need to redefine what that space looks like and I’m just not there yet.

    In any case, I look forward to seeing where this space heads in the future.

    • Reply kalanicut at 12:38 pm

      Completely agree with your thoughts Jenn, but know you have left a void in the blogging world. I miss you and your great blog. Will keep keeping up with you on Instagram and look forward to new directions you may take. <3

      • Reply Jane at 1:06 pm

        agree with Kalani. We miss you!

  • Reply Jeannine at 10:27 pm

    A few days ago, Sara at Russell Street linked to a post from a few years ago. I saw names in the comments of people I considered blog “friends” who aren’t blogging anymore. Some of them were people I thought were pretty big. Bt that was in 2010.

    Now, the people nominated for Homies or the BGH award are mostly people I’ve never heard of (one or two people BGH spotlighted had been blogging for less than a year!).

    I’m blogging…but my idea of success is really different and I also spend a lot less time reading these days.

    You know that no matter what you need to do, you have support and people who are happy to be with you along the way.

  • Reply Loni at 9:52 pm

    Jane I love reading what you have to say! I’ve been following you for a couple of years now and I love that you are down to Earth and show the real you. I love that you share the good and the bad (including sweet Charlie’s story which made me cry heaps). Please don’t stop, but please also only blog when you have time. Family comes first, the blog can always wait. Of course, when you do have time come back to us, because your loyal readers love hearing from you! Blessings to you and your family! ~Loni

  • Reply Mikalah at 2:03 pm

    I totally understand- I’ve had many of those same thoughts and feelings! Everything these days is so design-y and has that magazine-gloss too it. I like reading blogs that feature real homes, with real people, and real budgets. I love your blog and hope that you continue sharing to whatever extent you feel comfortable with! XOXOXO, Mikalah

  • Reply Jenna at 12:00 am

    I just recently discovered your blog and I am enjoying all of your posts on renting a home. My husband and I are moving into our first rental house this Saturday and I know for sure I will be referencing your posts!

    So from a newbie, thanks for blogging! Best of luck in your future endeavors!

  • Reply Skooks at 11:18 am

    Jane, I’m totally with you. I haven’t posted since May and while I would like to do more, it’s just not the season for me right now. Maybe I’ll get back into it at some point (will probably just post here and there when i think of it and have something I feel like saying), but real life priorities don’t go away and there is no point in keeping up with the online Joneses. I will still read when you post, whenever and wherever you do, but I totally get everything your saying. Hoping for the best for your mom.

  • Reply kalanicut at 12:34 pm

    Ah, such a real and honest post. The honesty of it stings a little bit actually and I feel a little sad when I see blogger friends comment here who aren’t blogging anymore and who I really miss reading. I think there are so many of us in this same boat. It seems like we ought to be able to start some sort of blogging revolution, because I really do feel that there are so many people who are feeling the same way. There are many of us who are a little sad to see how much blogging has changed – and not necessarily for the better.

    It seems like there must be some way that we could bring “organic” and “homegrown” back to the blogging world. I think the most discouraging part to me is that I’ve talked with you and other friends about this topic and I wish so very much I saw what the path ahead could be to change things, but I don’t. It’s hard to know when to let it go after SO much love and work have been put into nurturing a blog you’ve created.

    I feel like we’ve lost some of the very best and brightest bloggers to a field of young upstarts who know how to make a deal to get something for free and talk about it online. Then there are the others who are continually ill, getting hurt or near a nervous breakdown because they are pushing themselves way past their limits to keep up their online personna.

    Know that you have my full support and I wish you all the very best as you go forward with things that matter most. I will keep following and supporting your ventures.

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