6:09 am – My very cozy slumber is ruined by the dinging of my alarm. I want so badly to head back to bed, but the little walk out into the hall to turn off my alarm gives me enough time to talk myself into staying awake. After stumbling into the kitchen and plugging in the percolator, I curl up on the sofa to “wake up” while the coffee brews.
Apparently I brewed disappointment this morning. When I pour my much-anticipated cup of joe, all that greets me is tan colored hot water. GROSS! I don’t know how I got the proportions so off. I’m extremely frustrated – it’s way too early to deal with bad coffee – but I make another pot, with much better results.
6:30 am – It feels like I’ve wasted precious moments of quiet morning blogging time, but now that I have my coffee I head to my office and finish up my Tuesday {Week in the Life} post. There’s photos to download and watermark, writing to be done, and then of course a final editing read-through. Even though many people say you don’t have to write perfectly when you blog, I try to ensure that I write well.
As I blog, the cat sits in my lap, purring up a storm. This is our little morning routine – he seems to get really excited about morning blogging time. I attempt to take a photo of this.
Cat thinks I”m crazy. “Seriously, lady? I haven’t woken up yet!”
He really gets excited, and will headbutt everything: The desk, my knees, my chin, my hands as they type . . Sometimes he likes to headbutt my cup of coffee *while* I’m sipping from it. That does not fare well; it usually ends in bad words coming out of my mouth as the cup is slammed against my jaw and coffee is sloshed everywhere. (He has a very strong headbutt.)
Here he is getting ready to headbutt. At least the coffee is safely out of the way.
7:24 am – Hit “publish” on my Tuesday {Week in the Life} post. Hooray – I’ve managed to stick with it for two whole days in a row. 🙂
Now it’s time for a coffee refill. I can not impress upon you how much I love my morning coffee.
7:33 am – This part of the morning always makes me a little sad. I know it’s time to shower and head into the office, but I really just want to sit at my computer and write. Once I get to work, though, it’s no problem diving into what my job requires . . . it’s just that little transition from doing what I really love to going to a cubicle for the day.
– – Insert busy workday here. – –
On the way home from work, the Container Store is calling to me. I have to make a return, but in the process I see a really cute build-your-own planner set by Russell+Hazel. It’s not cheap, but it appears to be just what I need, in the perfect purse-size binder. I decide to buy a few parts, and decide at home if I want to keep them. Later, when I see that they’re not any cheaper online, I rip open the packages excitedly. 🙂 The three parts I got (for now) are the Mini Lime 9 x 7 Inch Binder, the Mini Lime Notes Paper
, and the Mini SmartDate Weekly Sheets
– which will allow me to write out my schedule. I’m not sure exactly how I’m going to use it yet, but I feel like one notes sheet each week will be for work to-do lists, and another will be for business/blog to-do lists. We shall see.
6:00 pm – Mr. Merlin and I gear up and head out for a walk. I’m not feelin’ it today, so we only do about .6 miles. But at least we did something.
Ryan and I have leftover BBQ pork tenderloin for dinner. Damn, it’s good. I microwave the entire dinner. . . frozen green beans, leftover pork, and sauerkraut. It seems to create very little mess in the kitchen. 🙂
Wednesday evening is spent working. It’s not fun, but it’s got to be done. We’re coming dangerously close to our April 30th deadline at the office, and when you’ve got deadlines for the government you don’t mess around.
11:18 pm – I head to bed. It actually feels luxurious, like I’m going to bed “early” tonight. Last night I only made it through one page of my book before nodding off. . . tonight I’d like to read just a bit more.
I didn’t have a lot to share on Wednesday. I think that’s because the day was so mundane – with the exception of that new planner 🙂 – but some days are like that. Even in Australia.
I can’t decide if your cat looks stoned, cross eyed or both in the first pic, Jane
That first picture is pure awesome. Your expression then the cats expression says so much. LOL
I totally splurged on Russell+Hazel filler paper for my Wedding Binder. It was divine!
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