During a recent weekend jaunt around Philadelphia, PA’s Queen Village and South Street neighborhoods, I spied these gorgeous window boxes and knew I had to share. Yes, once again, the words out of my mouth were “oh hold on – I have to take a photo for my blog!” But rather than tease me, my dad said “Yeah, those are really neat!” (or something dad-like of that sort).

I think the main aspect that makes these boxes so striking is the intense way they’re just overflowing with plant goodness. So many boxes you see are half-assed, with a few measly plants hanging on for dear life in a box full of dirt. If you’re gonna do it, you’ve gotta really cram it full of plants so it looks like they really want to be there. Know what I mean?
1 Comment
I LOVE those. And I have killed every. single. plant. that I have ever planted.
So I am wary of actual plants, but love the pics you took.