Personal Life Posts

My 2016 Spring Week in the Life: Tuesday

Tuesday was an awesome day. Maple was at home with me for the day, so I didn’t track the timeline of my day as closely.

Maple woke up three times during the night, so I was pretty tired in the morning. At her morning waking around 4:45 I brought her into our bed and was able to sleep until 7.

Once we were up, I made some coffee. I blissfully drank half of it while it was still warm as I sat in Maple’s room watching her play.

Week in the LIfe 2016 Maple Playing

Around 8 we had breakfast. Getting Maple to eat well has been a challenge lately, so meal time takes a while. I have my eggs and bacon while she has her oatmeal, some yogurt, some of my eggs, and whatever else is open in her little tray in the fridge. When all meal options fail, the one constant is her love of plain Greek yogurt and fresh oranges.

Week in the Life 2016 Oranges

After I’ve made our meal, fed Maple, let her feed herself (a slow and messy process, but one I think is important), and cleaned up from our meal, an hour has usually passed.

After breakfast I play with Maple for a while, then Maple plays in the living room while I work on a blog post. Activities include:

  • Rescuing the dog water bowl from Maple’s splashing hands, then changing Maple into a dry outfit
  • Redirecting Maple’s course when she makes a beeline for Merlin (he’s not a fan of babies climbing on him)
  • Carefully watching Maple when she’s climbing and petting on Amber, who loves Maple (no matter how good a dog is, you should always be careful around babies!)
  • At some point Maple takes her morning nap. I shower, make more coffee, and try to work on my Monday WITL blog post. I also go through my planner and make sure that I’m on track with my “to-do”s for the week.

I go into my sewing studio to figure out a wall project that I started Sunday. I bought and cut pegboard to hang on one wall. I have used command Velcro strips to hang the clipboards that organize my orders, but that’s proven cumbersome. Actual hooks would be better.

It’s now looking like a whole pegboard wall is overkill – both in labor and functionality – for a wall of clipboards. Instead I think I’ll hang strips of wood that have hooks screwed into them.

I must be itching to decorate because I also decided to move our lamp in from the back porch. I thought it would add some variety to the living room, but the scale was too small for the couch:

Week in the Life Atomic Retro Floor Lamp Living ROom

I tried it in Ryan’s office where it looked much better:

Atomic Retro Floor Lamp Wassily Chair

Maple wakes up as I’m making progress, so I pause that project. We have lunch around noon, and then I get ready for our walk.

The weather is gorgeous, so we walk to vote and then go about town. At the library I get a book to research the Dolomties and Lakes region of Italy for our upcoming trip. Maple enjoys crawling around the kids’ section and looking at the other kids. Then we head over to Maple Avenue Market, a tiny shop with local produce and meats.

Week in the LIfe Maple Ave Market Vienna

After that we go to Caffe Amouri and I get a coffee, thinking I’ll take Maple to the playground. But as we head that way, Maple appears to be getting tired and I realize we’ve been gone for almost 2 hours.

At home Maple and I have a snack outside on the patio. Then I put her down for a nap, but that’s a total failure.

Week in the LIfe Maple Snack

When Ryan gets home from work, we walk Maple and the dogs to the playground. When Ryan reaches into the stroller to get Maple out for the swings, he finds that she’s sound asleep. Whoops! We turn around and walk home.

The weather is so amazing that I’m craving steak on the grill, so I pop over to Whole Foods and get some skirt steak and charcoal. Ryan feeds Maple dinner while I cook the steak and veggies. I team some green beans and saute some mushrooms in a red wine and garlic sauce.

Dinner is fabulous. I give Maple a bath and put her to bed while Ryan cleans up from the meal. I do some work and then call my dad before heading to bed.

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1 Comment

  • Reply tara at 9:41 pm

    I really enjoy these posts! I can’t get anything done at home with a toddler… And glad I’m not the only one who fails in getting baby down for a nap!

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