In Progress, Sewing Studio

Janery Studio Update Part 7: Shelving Almost Complete

I am dying of excitement – I just wish my custom adjustable shelves were done so I could show you, but alas these things take longer than expected – every single time.  The irony is that the design and assembly felt relatively quick and easy.  It’s these last finishing steps that drag out.

The frame is assembled, the holes for the adjustable shelves are drilled, and I finished painting everything at 1 am last night.  Tonight I have to seal everything with a clear varnish, because I foolishly used flat paint which will easily scuff and scratch. Studio Built Ins Progress1

Studio Built Ins Progress2

Shelf Pin Holes!

Studio Built Ins Progress3

Lots of shelves. . .

I think that on Thursday I will have a totally finished “reveal” post for you!  And after that, we get to move on to the fun stuff – like decorating the space!

In case you’re new here:

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