Before & After, Office Dressing Room

My Office / Dressing Room: Finished!!

It’s been a long, long time since I’ve been able to share a truly “finished” space with you guys. And that’s why I’m so excited about today’s official “After” post for my office!

Let’s take a little tour to wrap all these projects up.

The white door below is the entrance from the hall.    Jane Office Finished6

Then, of course, we have my desk, which I built myself from scratch.  The art hanging over the desk is thrifted and handed down.

Jane Office Finished8

The curtains are from Ikea, and the dresser is a family heirloom.  I’m hoping to find beautiful glass knobs to dress it up when I am in Italy on my honeymoon/anniversary trip.

On the wall over the dresser is a mirror that I had to fight for in the clearance section of Pier One (years ago) and then of course my window frame jewelry display, which continues to be one of the most useful items I ever made.

Jane Office Finished2

On the next wall is my mid-century modern secretary, which folds out into a desk.  I use it when I work from home for my day job, since I have a separate laptop for that job.  My closet, with the Container Store shelving I installed, is still going strong.  I considered hanging curtains over it, but they would just get in the way.

Jane Office Finished4

Oh! And under the desk I have my personal laptop and a power strip on a tray.  I actually use this to also charge things like phones, camera batteries, etc.  The tray makes it feel a little less messy and a little more like a charging station.

Jane Office Finished1 To the right of the closet is the exit from the office.  On that wall I hung my Neu Year planning calendar. Jane Office Finished9Above the door I have my hats on plastic-containers-turned-hooks, and these little plastic things continue to be the best hat hooks I’ve ever used.

Hat Hooks 1


All in all, I love the office and love even more that it is FINISHED!  It’s a huge improvement from a year ago when I was working with an Ikea desk and some mismatched old furniture.

Office Before

The office: BEFORE.

I’m not even sure I can call this a true “before and after” post because I didn’t want to waste a lot of space on the before. This room has gone through many stages, but three years into the process I finally feel that I’ve gotten it put together in a solid way.

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  • Reply Ashley from The Kitchen-Sink Chronicles at 12:26 pm

    I’m still completely smitten with the green walls!

    • Reply Jane at 4:59 am

      Thanks Ashley – I love them too!!

  • Reply Angela @ Creative Blossoming at 10:52 pm

    You’ve chosen a lovely color scheme—and the wood looks great with it! Awesome makeover. The space feels so cozy and homey now.

    • Reply Jane at 5:00 am

      Thanks! I absolutely love it. It feels good to have a really finished space, too! 🙂

  • Reply Kiri at 4:08 am

    There are so many cool things in this room, it must be a joy just to sit and look. 🙂

    • Reply Jane at 5:01 am

      It pretty much is rocking my world!

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